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Chuck Bigwood: Chapter
Worship Leader
Saved in 1978 and separated from a nominal "religious" life to a Christ powered life. Active for many years in FGBM, Married to wife, Laurie with a family of 4 boys, two of whom are pictured below. Owner of Bigwood's Electric in Wahpeton. Chuck is a superb musician who is the worship leader in Chapter 82. He plays acoustic guitar. Attendands Assemblies of God church. |
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Zach Bigwood,
Chuck's no.3 son. Saved as a young child, Zach works at his father's electrical shop. Zach is single and is a football enthusiast. Zach also plays in the worship band at the AG church in Wahpeton and is an inspiration to many who observe him displaying a heart for God in worship. |
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Harold Fenske, retired business
has enjoyed fellowship with us for about 5 years. Harold appreciates the faith and love expressed among the brothers of this fellowship. Harold attends a Lutheran church. |
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Brian German: <[email protected]>
Married to wife Katie. Brian is currently attending college. He gave his life to Christ 12 years ago. Brian's life was plagued by extreme depression for years until God revealed to him that even severe mental conditions like "bi-polar" were subject to the name and power of Jesus. Ryan can now boast of the Lord who has given him "power, love and a sound mind." Brian and Katie attend an Assemblies of God fellowship. |
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Dave Jawaski, Chapter Treasurer
Married to Marci, with 3 children, Keah, Kaliesha, and Kylor. Dave is employed in maintenance in a Sunflower Seed plant. His salvation testimony is recent, within the past 3 years. Music figured in Dave's testimony. Dave was a rocker which held him back from God until he discovered God could "rock" with a salvation message as well! God has placed a new heart and mind in David, transformed by God's love, testifies this fact openly to all he is able to share with. His present spiritual focus is this chapter of BMF USA . David is a Lutheran. |
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Paul Muehler <[email protected]>
Chapter past president, Paul is married to Darlene and has 6 sons serving God. A recently retired attorney, says he received Christ as a child, but often found himself backsliding. He achieved a new dimension in his spiritual life when he was baptized in the Spirit and divinely healed of a serious ulcer in the early 1990's. Paul is enjoying retirement as a time to share Christ and study his Word. Paul is a Catholic. |
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Scott Muehler <[email protected]>
Chapter Secretary, Scott is married to Kari with 4 sons, Josh, Ben, Ryan and Joshua and daughter Morgan. Scott is an electrical contractor. He was saved in April 1989. Scott says of this time, "My life at that time wasn't too bad, but God knew my future would have challenges. I needed him to manage my life!" Scott is a Catholic. |
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Gary Oliver
Gary is married and has two children. He is the manager of an industrial metal plating company. Gary was saved in 1992, when he learned that God had a better path for him to follow. He is currently following that path and sharing with young people in his Sunday school class that God indeed is real and that He is a rewarder of those who seek him. Gary attends a Lutheran church. |
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Charles Pinkney, <[email protected]>
Charles is the current president of Chapter 82. He is married to Denise and has two children, Jason and Jill, from his first marriage. Charles taught school 20 years in inner city Minneapolis and is now teaching Art in a local Minnesota school. Saved in 1981 while going through a period of spiritual darkness and depression. He called out to God from the depths and God answered him. Charles says, "Empowerment by the Spirit gives us a witness that we are 'Sons of God'." His testimony and insights from the Word are to be found in: A Quest for God online at - - http://geocities.com/athens/atlantis/5006/ |
Mitch Pratt
Married to Rachelle, with 3 children, Nicholas, Cassie, and Nathanael. Mitch works in shipping and receiving management at a local industrial plant. He was saved in approximately 1971 when his grandfather led him to the Lord. Mitch's ministry focus at this time is toward helping the "Heartbeat" youth ministry in his local fellowship. He is open to the idea of full time ministry if the Lord brings the details to fruitition. Mitch is Pentecostal. |
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Mark Reinig <[email protected]>
Married to Debbie with two children, David and Annalicia. Mark is a systems engineer for Kyrus Corp. (NC) Saved in 1989, Mark is a recovering alcoholic who one called upon the Lord to break the power of his addiction. Mark says now, "he has never been happier and believes in keeping an attitude of gratitude on a daily basis." Mark is now active in youth ministry in a local Catholic church. |
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Gary Skorheim
Gary has 4 grown children, Tim, Suzanne, Scott, and Andrew. He is a retired naval officer with many irons in the fire since retirement including writing and music. Gary was saved in 1981 when he fell to his knees during an unwanted divorce and met Jesus. Later Gary became active in Christian volunteer work as a 700 Club counselor and continued in various Bible study groups. Gary says, "We need to cross-feed each other's faith as fuel lines in a multi-engine aircraft." Gary is currently studying Christian counseling and attending a Word of Faith Church. |
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Kevin Shoemaker
Is a recent adddition to our fellowship. Married to Barb, with 4 children, Aaron, Chris, Ben, and Caitlin. Kevin is plant manager for the Cargill 'ProGold' plant. Kevin has decided to make God number one priority. He is seeking the 'knowledge of God' with renewed intensity. This in the midst of an extremely demanding schedule. |
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Terry Stuehrenberg, Chapter
Vice President
Grew up and worked with his father on the family farm and served in the Navy before he was saved. Terry was saved in 1984, he believes through his older brother, a Lutheran pastor. Terry is employed and serves people in a hardware store. After his conversions his family left him. He is believing that God can restore his lost family after many years. His ministry focus is to be a general blessing to those in need. He is involved with nursing home ministry as well as outreach to refugees. He also collects and recycles materials that can be used by people in need. Terry lists his faith preferance as "Pentacostal." |
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Larkin Trosper
Retired drywall contractor. Larkin has 6 children, 9 grandkids, 4 great grandkids. Larkin is also "father" to six native American children. He, came to the Lord at an early age, but backslid quite a lot until 1982 when through the baptism of the Holy Spirit, he began to follow Christ in a 'more excellent way.' Larkin does various kinds of volunteer service that touches people in need. |